Our Elders

Our elders are Biblically qualified men who are called to the ministry of shepherding and oversight of our church. Our elder council is made up of staff and non-staff (lay) elders.

Clayton Luckie

Staff Elder & Pastor of Worship

Scott Barfoot

Lay Elder

Nathan Seale

Lay Elder

Nick Smith

Lay Elder

Jon Turnbull

Lay Elder

Our Staff

Our staff is made up of men and women who use their pastoral gifts to lead, equip and serve our church.

Clayton Luckie

Staff Elder & Pastor of Worship

Kyle Fischer

Associate Pastor of Men & Equipping

Michele Kappas

Associate Pastor of Women & Connections

Courtney Munson

Associate Pastor of Kids

Jenna Rejcek

Associate Pastor of Students

Hayden Stringer

Associate Pastor of Students & Local Mission

Hannah Dentinger

Administrative Assistant

Learn more about how we view and apply titles, including the use of Elder and Pastor.

Our Deacons

Our deacons are biblically qualified men and women who serve administratively in the areas of finances, facility, benevolence and missionary care.

Melissa Burch
Ryan Collier
Rebecca Colquitt
Kenny Henry
Will Johnson


Drew Langford
Carol Loughlin
Laurie Patterson
Sybil Walker